Thanks to local Rural Fire Service members

Local RFS members Daniel Lowe, Mel Driscoll, Jonathan Amos, Kelly Tully, John Laycock with District Coordinator of the Far West RFS Team Inspector Craig Warwick PHOTO TWH
The NSW Rural Fire Service has officially thanked all members of the Bourke Brigade for their dedication to the task during the hectic 2019/20 fire season.
Many members were sent away on multiple “out of area” deployments over the past 5 months fighting fires from Glen Innes to Cooma. The thanks also extended to those who stayed home to mind the shop.
District Manager for the Far West Team Superintendent Vaughn Elsworth said a BBQ held at the Bourke HQ was an opportunity to pass on the thanks of the staff to all the members that gave their time willingly.
Following the fires, the Rural Fire Service received a number of donations the BBQ was an opportunity to pass on those donations and acknowledge the support of the donors.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.