Greening Bourke’s CBD

The Bourke Council team working on planting trees and flowers in the Oxley Street CBD l-r: Chris Ware, Craig Kelly, Craig McKellar, Robbie Olsen and Oliver Gordon PHOTO TWH
With rain finally falling at Bourke, and the river flowing a banker, Council has wasted no time in getting some colour into the main street.
The final touches to the redevelopment of the CBD have been a long time coming, with the drought and severe water restrictions forcing council to delay planting shade trees and garden beds.
This week, the man tasked with overseeing the planting operation, Chris Ware, was out with his team, planting hundreds of flowers in the garden beds and shade trees along the footpaths.
“We’re doing as much as we can before Easter and all the garden beds will have some trees in them,” Chris said.
“Those outside the National Parks building and the NAB will have a lot of trees and the smaller ones will have one tree and a whole lot of flowers.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.