Target shooting

Brewarrina Gun Club held the very successful Barwon & District Continental Championships over the weekend, with approx 35 competitors from all over western NSW, and some shooters from Queensland. The winners are pictured here: Alex Codrington of Brewarrina (Junior High Gun winner), Col Betts (Overall High Gun), Rob Thompson of Cobar (Double A High Gun Winner), Kevin Hatch of Bourke (Veterans High Gun), Paul Marett of Kununurra (30 Target Point Score Winner), Tyler Marett of Broken Hill (C Grade High Gun winner), Peter Johnson of Brewarrina (B Grade High Gun winner), Peter Hosie of Cobar (A Grade High Gun), Dallas Codrington of Brewarrina (15 pair double rise champion), Macka Codrington (Ladies High Gun Winner) PHOTO: Max Ingleton.