Meatworks will reopen — Butler

Member for Barwon Roy Butler says the North Bourke Abattoir will reopen soon PHOTO TWH
The North Bourke abattoir will almost certainly resume operations and bring employment to Bourke, according to Member for Barwon Roy Butler.
Mr Butler said he had full confidence in the people behind the Darling River Meats facility and said the community should not be concerned about the temporary closure.
“I have been in touch with the operators a couple of times,” Mr Butler said.
“As I understand it this is a temporary situation.
“Obviously we don’t spend $60 million for something that’s not going to operate so the plan is that it will be up and running again.
“There’s been all sorts of talk about why they suspended operations - there was an issue with the supply of goats at one stage but I’m confident that it’s only going to be a matter of time before it’s operational.”
Mr Butler said the issue with getting reliable goat supplies and transport issues were temporary problems.
“It’s a new facility and new facilities and new businesses often have teething issues, but I know the people who are behind it and I am very confident they want to see it processing goats and employing people,” he said.
“I was there the second day of its operation and it’s a fantastic facility, very impressive.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald