Peter Crothers Pharmacist of the Year

Australia’s top Pharmacist for 2019 is Bourke’s own Peter Crothers of The Towers Drug Co. Peter is pictured here on Tuesday with his pharmacy team – Nicole Hyland, Christine Sheilds, Georgie Keys, Lei Barton and Sharna Shillingsworth PHOTO TWH
Bourke’s own home-grown pharmacist Peter Crothers has been named Australian Pharmacist of the Year. This outstanding achievement was announced at the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia’s annual Excellence Awards in Sydney on Friday.
Peter and the Towers Drug Co are part of Bourke’s history and Peter is a passionate and committed member of the Bourke community.
He said he was overwhelmed by the honour and acknowledged his award was recognition of the work of rural community pharmacists. He said it highlighted the unique career opportunities to be gained in rural pharmacy.
Since the announcement, Peter said he has been staggered at the outpouring of appreciation and pride from the Bourke community.
“It’s been a bit surreal. I’ve known about it for a couple of weeks and I’ve had to keep it quiet, but it’s come as a surprise to other people,” he said.
The Towers Drug Co has a rich history inextricably linked to Bourke. It was started in the late 1878 by Dr Richard Sides with his pharmacist partner George Towers.
When he opened his medical centre, opposite Central Park Dr Sides named it after his business partner and so it became Towers Drug Co.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.