Protection for Aboriginal sites
Local Land Services Officers Blackie Gordon and Guy Gibbs (centre back), with team members working to identify historic Aboriginal sites across the western region Photo Supplied
Significant Aboriginal sites must be protected and preserved, according to a senior officer with Western Local Land Services.
Senior LLS Lands Officer – Aboriginal Communities, Blackie Gordon has been working with landholders across the Western region from Nyngan to Bourke and Brewarrina for more than 16 years.
His role has been to identify historic sites on properties and helping develop better ways to protect those sites once they’ve been mapped.
He works with local Aboriginal Lands Councils and said his aim is see cooperation between landowners and Aboriginal people to get the job done.
“My job is trying to bring people together, to have Aboriginal people to respect landowners and managers and landowners to respect Aboriginal culture,” Mr Gordon said.
“We look at how to preserve the sites of significance, the camp sites and burial sites, to prevent erosion through a series of water finding surveys.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.