Brewarrina Mayor off to PM’s drought summit

Mayor of Brewarrina Shire Phillip O’Connor Photo TWH
Prime Minister Scott Morrison will be speaking at a drought summit in Dubbo today.
The summit has a range of speakers who will address business leaders, community organisations, local councils, government agencies, farmers and residents as they face the impact of a prolonged drought.
It will be the second visit to the western region by the Prime Minister in less than three months, with observers saying it is an indication of how severely the drought is beginning to impact on the broader economy.
Brewarrina Mayor Phil O’Connor and General Manager Jeff Sowiak will be attending and both are hopeful there will be practical outcomes from the meeting.
“We are going to the summit to listen to what the Federal government has to add to what they’ve already been doing out in this area,” Councillor O’Connor said.
“I have to give them credit for what they’ve done because in this Shire alone, the amount of money we have received from the Federal and State government has kept us going.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.