Bourke’s water safe to drink. For the first time in its history, Bourke is on bore water.

Bourke Council General Manager Ross Earl with water saving timer distributed by Council Photo TWH
As of Monday, Bourke Council switched to bore water from deep in the Great Artesian Basin for the town’s filtered supply for drinking, household and commercial purposes.
Bourke Council General Manager Ross Earl said the bore water poses no risk to health and had been tested and approved by the Department of Health.
“We have been using bore water from Walkden’s Bore to supplement the filtered water supply so what we have at the moment is water combined from both sources,” Mr Earl said.
“Combining the two sources makes it easier to treat and all the water is being processed through the Bourke Water Treatment Plant prior to its reticulation through the filtered water system.”
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.