Defibrillators now available across Bourke Shire

Bourke Council Environmental Services Manager Dwayne Willoughby with the new defibrillators Photo: TWH
Bourke Shire Council has taken delivery of eight Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) to be placed throughout the Shire.
An AED is a small portable device designed to deliver a controlled electric shock to a person experiencing cardiac arrest.
Defibrillators will be located at Byrock, Enngonia, Fords Bridge, Louth, Wanaaring, Bourke Swimming Pool, Bourke PCYC/Davidson Oval, and one will be available for events from Council offices.
Council received funding of $14,850 from the NSW Office of Sport Local Defibrillator program, which was supplemented by Council. Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.