New Bourke TAFE building to open in 2019

Local contractor Mark Bunyan working at the TAFE building site in Oxley Street Photo: TWH

TAFE Building Site Manager Graham Wheeler Photo: TWH
The new state-of-the-art TAFE Bourke Connected Learning Centre (CLC) is expected to open for business early next year.
Member for Barwon Kevin Humphries said construction of the $5 million facility is well-advanced, and he expects the centre to significantly expand the number of courses available to Bourke students.
“It’s great to see progress being made on this next-generation TAFE facility – which will revolutionise vocational education and training in Bourke and enable local students to get the skills they need to get a job, without the need to study at a larger centre,” Mr Humphries said.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.