Fun and games as Bourke Pool opens

The Bourke Swimming Pool has opened for Summer with lots of fun and activities over Summer – pictured here are Jamie Moore from Birrang Hub (at rear) with – from l-r: Isaac Smith, Samuel Shillingsworth, Shaylan Payne, Tyrell Edwards, Shekia Edwards, Shon’tane Payne, Clifton Edwards, Tyrese Gibbs, Leithan Orcher (rear), Juanita Knight and Charly Brookson. Sitting in front: Courtney Edwards and Braith Kelly. Jamie Moore and Charly Brookson from Birrang were running kids school holiday activities at the pool last week, with the help of Juanita Knight and Courtney Kelly from Youth-off-the-Streets. Photo: TWH
The turnstiles are open, the pools are full and the hot chips are ready — the Bourke Pool is open for business.
And already, it’s proved a big attraction for Bourke’s youngsters and families as the temperatures start to climb.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.